Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Twins playroom before and after

Our house has this little area at the top of the stairs that I had planned to turn into a playroom for the girls since we moved in and we finally tackled it over Christmas break while we were stuck home with sick babies (silver lining to the both babies have colds cloud). We did this room on a budget of around $250 for everything. This included paint for the walls and built-ins, lots of storage bins from Target (those add up!), floor pillows from Home Goods (some of the most expensive items at $30 a piece but since Luke and I sit on the floor all the time while the girls play it was a good investment), patio string lights and gold paint and all the little random things you never think about but always end up needing. 
It's a small space and was painted a dark tan when we moved in which made the space feel smaller. We painted everything BM Sea Pearl (just like downstairs) which made the space flow together with the stairwell. 

 I love these built ins which are perfect storage for toys! 

Our TV stand from our old house fit perfectly in this corner, although we did have to take the door frame off to get it up the stairs. Totally worth it. It was already painted sea pearl from our old house and having it painted the same color as the wall makes the small space seem bigger. 
After! My sister got this teepee for the girls for Christmas, isn't it the cutest? And my sister in law painted us that adorable height chart.

One of the twins favorite areas in the room! I put up a tension rod in this little cabinet niche and made a curtain with some fabric I already had and hem tape and they love hiding and then popping out, TADA! I used a coral knob from Hobby Lobby if they want to pull over the curtain for performances and such. 

 These fabric bins from target are great for legos and tea sets. 

I took patio lights from Target and spray painted them gold and love the soft lighting they give. 
I painted a peach stripe up the wall and love the detail it adds, but thinking I need to go over it with a darker peach, this one doesn't show up as well as I thought it would. 

 I LOVE these dipped Hobby Lobby frames, make sure you wait until they are 50% off to get them, that makes them $9 a frame! 

The twins love this little space, it turned into such a sweet little space and I'm excited to see it grow with them. I'm thinking eventually I'll swap out the teepee for a sleeper loveseat for sleepovers and movie nights :-)


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